Sunday, August 05, 2007

Long Weekend

This is a long weekend in Canada. It's a federal holiday, with each of the provinces having their own version the holiday. In Alberta it's Heritage Day and I think in B.C. it's B.C. Day. But every province in Canada is celebrating a stat tomorrow. You know what the Yankees baseball announcers think it is here this weekend? After deciding no, no, it's not Boxing Day ... yeah, yeah, right, that's after Christmas, they settled on Labour Day. Then they went on and on about the meaning of each of these days. Boxing Day, for example, they joked, (I think) is regifting day, day. No, no, says the other. It's the day you box things up. It's the same in England, right?, one of them wondered. Sheesh. It CAME from England. Where do these announcers get their "trivia" facts? For those of you not in the know, Labour Day here is actually on the same day as Labour Day in the states, the first Monday in September. In Germany it's May 1, FYI.

It's rare that I get a true feeling of relaxation. I had it for a few hours last Wednesday. I had an appointment to get my Permanent Resident Card in the late morning and somehow this took up the whole morning because I wanted to get there very early and had an appointment before that too. I got my card so now I can actually leave the country and get back in again. That's a good thing. After the PRC thing I went to my friend's house (the appointed dog-watcher, and Sam was over at her house already because I didn't know how long the government appointment would last) and hung out there for a few hours just sitting around shooting the breeze. It was so relaxing.

Holidays start next week; just four more workdays to go, and we've actually planned a two-day trip to Jasper the third week of August. I can't wait and plan to go whitewater rafting; that's something I've never done before.

I started Bikini Boot Camp last week. Think military-style calistethenics (sp.) training for women. Wow. Talk about gruelling. However, I think my little muffin tops may actually find it a challenge to hang on through the next eight weeks. I'll let you know how it goes.


Blogger blogdog said...

I almost forgot to tell you! I'm headed your way tomorrow for a week, changing planes in Vancouver on my way to Nanaimo. Please order up some nice weather, okay?

4:35 p.m.  
Blogger The Misanthrope said...

Have a good time off. Did you live in the U.S. previously?

10:17 a.m.  
Blogger Pirate said...

blogdog: have a great trip. If you're stopping in Calgary by any chance, drop a comment to let me know how I can reach you and maybe we can meet up.

misanthrope: no, I was born in Germany and never took out my Cdn citizenship; the only way I'd consider applying for it now is if I was able to retain my German citizenship, which isn't easy to do; I wouldn't give up my EU passport for anything.

10:23 a.m.  
Blogger Chandira said...

Bikinni Boot Camp? SOunds just what I need, only without the gruelling excercise.. ;-)

I've been through all that Permanent Resident stuff here, and I'm glad you got it out of the way. I feel like that about US citizenship, only if I can maintain my UK citizenship too!

Have a nice time away.

12:18 p.m.  

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