Mom really is right
Every day I take apple cider vinegar, the organic, unfiltered, raw, kind. About two tablespoons in a half glass of water. It doesn't taste very good, but it's not so bad as to make me gag, either. My mom has taken it for years, and because acv is so good for immunity, she never really gets sick. Even if something does hit, it doesn't really manage to take hold. Same is true for me now. I took it years ago, and then like so many things good for us, I just sort of dropped it. Anyway, this stuff really is an elixir. Added to all the things I already knew it does (primarily it provides us with lots of potassium, which most of us are lacking in our diets), I just read yesterday that it can help rebuild lost bone. Apparently even if you live an active, healthy lifestyle, you can still lose bone mass very early in life. Researchers are saying that now people in their teens and twenties are tending towards having the bone mass of people in their eighties and nineties because they lead such sedentary lives and because of all the pop they drink. Vitamin D is also important to get more of because if you're diligent about sunscreen (I'm not, I will admit) then you may be prone to being deficient in Vitamin D, which will affect bone mass as well. Symptoms of declining bone mass are sore hips, a misaligned jaw, stiff joints, loss of posture, and sensitive teeth. So, drink up that apple cider vinegar, folks. Mom said it was so good for you, and she was right.
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