Thursday, November 09, 2006


This school is right next door to my parent's house (it was my elementary school). On the other side of their house is the yard with the damage (see last post). These pictures are taken from the third floor (it's a 3-storey basement-at-ground-level house). Check out all the crows in the trees in the distance. In flight it resembles a Hitchcock movie.


Blogger J. D. T. Saul said...

There are quite a few in Corvallis too. They attack the nut trees and drop the nuts from way up high to break them open. Some days it is literally raining walnuts.

5:31 p.m.  
Blogger Chandira said...


JDT, I've seen our local Seattle crows drop nuts on people, then fly off and laugh. They think it's hilarious, they sit and bounce on the wire afterwards. You're lucky yours haven't got into that. ;-)

1:09 p.m.  
Blogger J. D. T. Saul said...

I'd like to see that Chandira. I often have a sqwawk talk with the crows. There aren't many things in life as amusing as the cackle of a crow.

3:44 p.m.  
Blogger Chandira said...

No, they're real clowns, aren't they? Them and pelicans. The jokers of the bird world. :-)

Wow, somebody else who talks to birds..

12:57 p.m.  
Blogger Chandira said...

Hey! Did the birds eat you? I hope not!

Wishing you well. :-)

5:42 p.m.  

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