Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday!

Whew. Sorry I've been gone so long. I was really sick over Christmas, though for the first time in years I had a good Christmas. Got into it. Put up a tree, we did the presents thing, though now of course Mastercard is groaning. Thanks, J.D.T. Saul for your promise of thoughts and prayers for Christmas many months ago. Perhaps God heard you.

I am struggling with something new. No doubt many of you have heard about the "reinvention of life" many are doing. I just turned 43 (Happy Birthday to me), and though I feel more like about 33, I feel that I need a change. I'm not sure what's prompted this. It might be my husband having a new job, coupled with my frequent need for change. I feel restless, though I really like my job and the thought of "reinventing" is a little daunting. It's more like I feel like doing something big, something noteworthy, some huge project, something creative, but not necessarily art. I don't know. I'll have to keep thinking about it.

I'll try to keep posts regular in future! It's nice to b back.


Blogger blogdog said...

It's nice to see you back! I'm a few years older than you are (49), but am going through a similar period of longing myself. I haven't been able to articulate it either -- but maybe that's our mission for 2007.

9:19 a.m.  
Blogger Chandira said...

Hey!! Yes, welcome back..

Pirate, 43 is right in line with a Saturn opposition. 6 x 7. THis is a major transition, if it happens in line with other big transits in your chart.
Blogdog, you're at 49, which is also a Saturn square. 7 x 7
You can both google those, if you want to read more about them. I'm sure somebody somewhere has written something decent about those transits.

Saturn creates that feeling of restlesness when it's in the build-up to the transit. It represents structure, patterns, discipline, purpose, etc, and can also be a little scary at times, when you can't see where to jump next, but you will. Its a bit of a leap of faith.
You don't necessarily have to make major life changes during Saturn transits, but I recently had one, and that was when we moved house. Depends what else is there in your charts, and which part of your charts it falls in.

I recommend going to and signing up for the free online account, where you can enter birth details and get an on the spot analysis, which will be pretty good, as Robert Hand is one of the top astrologers out there.

10:17 a.m.  
Blogger Pirate said...

Hey guys. Thanks for the welcome! It's good to be back. I just have to try to find a way that it doesn't take over great sections of my day. Interesting comment, chandira. I'll look into this further. Thanks to both of you for popping by!

11:43 a.m.  

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