Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If you're into AWWW-isn't-that-adorable ...

Then check out Chandira's blog and click on the Otters in Love YouTube video. It seems I'm maybe the last to see it, but just in case. Thanks, Chandira.


Blogger Walter Jeffries said...

Over on my blog post about the Big Whey Tank you asked about feeding whey from your cheese making to your dog.

I would think it would be fine. Try a little and see. The whey we get is a little salty and tastes sort of like coconut juice of all things. I've had a taste when blowing out a pipe. Our dogs lap it up and particularly love any lumps of butter or cream they find.

As always, moderation in all thing.


Sugar Mtn Farm

11:12 a.m.  

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